Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Save a life ~ Make A difference ~ Get a Tax Deduction
I am partnering with the American Heart Association this year and need your help! $5 goes a long way and our lives depend on it! Click the link below to read my story and help reach my goal for this wonderful organization. Thank You.
New Year, New 'Do

Lets play catch up!!
I missed an entire year of blogging and that bums me out! 2012 was such a roller coaster year and my momma always said, "if you don't have anything nice to say, then come sit with me", Oh wait, thats not right, thats what I say! She says to not say anything at all, and for once I took her advice. I could never just sit down and think of a lovey, dovey, all is wonderful post because frankly things weren't. But, now I am back a
nd I am ready to be all mushy, gushy, and lovey dovey! So what all did ya'll miss last year?? I think pictures is the best way to tell a story (and less jumbled sentences you have to read!)
nd I am ready to be all mushy, gushy, and lovey dovey! So what all did ya'll miss last year?? I think pictures is the best way to tell a story (and less jumbled sentences you have to read!)

We spent new years eve at a friends house for a bon fire. Every year I tell my husband that I want to dress up and go to a fancy restaurant like normal people. But deep down I know there is nothing better than good friends, a bon fire, and just kissing him at midnight. I just love him to pieces and although there have been tough times we have grown up together and not apart!

My momma turned 50 in January and I threw her a surprise party!
It was so awesome to surprise her for a change. She is truly the best mom any girl could ask for and she does so much for me and my family! I try to tell her all the time how specia
l she is to me but words are never enough. We also took a girls cruise to Mexico and had the best time. She is the one in the middle and doesn't look a a day over 35! I pray I got those good genes:)

Little Man turned 8 in 2012 (Man I am getting old) we celebrated by having a sleep over with a few of his friends and then taking them to the lake for the day! They had the best time and we were exhausted! He also made the All Star team in baseball and got to meet Troy Landry from Swamp People! But by far the highlight of his year was killing his first dee
r. He was so proud and so was his daddy! He started asking us to just call him deer slayer (bless his heart!) He is such a cool kid and I love seeing the world through his eyes (even though his daddy says I already do bc we act just alike) haha
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This handsome fella started the 3rd grade!! It is so hard to believe that he was only 4 when I started this blog and now he is such a little man! So far 3rd grade has been so much easier than 2nd! Thank goodness! |
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This little princess started 4K! She now has to go to school all day just like hr big brother! She loves it! And how cute is her outfit my momma made?!? |
Spring and summer are by far our favorite seasons! We spend the majority of our weekends at the lake or the beach. Even the Easter bunny found the kids while we were camping at the lake!

Halloween has never been my favorite holiday and October has never been a good month for me. I am not sure why but bad stuff always happens in October and this year was no exception. But we do go trick or treating and we do partake in lots of candy eating! Just look how cute my little princess Aurora and my little Chipper Jones are!! No matter how bad things get or how uncertain life can be sometimes, these two sweet faces get me through!
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Our newest family member, Gauge! |
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Looking back at 2011
I realize i have not posted anything in forever. We have had alot of changes and a lot of stress but we are finally coming out of the fog and just relying on God because he makes no mistakes. I am not quite ready for a full on update but I will post this in honor of a new year!
1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before? This is a hard one because I don't think I did anything out of the ordinary. Oh i did work for the post office for a few months! Lets just say that there was not a mailbox that my side view mirror did not come in contact with! haha
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I am pretty sure my New Years resolution was to lose weight and so the answer to that would be a big FAT NO!! UGH!! I have ZERO will power!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Why yes they did my sister gave birth to my 3rd nephew Paxton!! He is such a doll baby!
4. Did anyone close to you die? YES, last year was the worst year by far in our families for death. The two deaths that have impacted our family the greastest was the death of my grandmother in August unexpectedly and then the loss of my grandfather in law 2 weeks later. These 2 deaths have turned our world upside down and we miss them greatly. We do take comfort in know they are safe in the arms of Jesus and look down on us everyday. i just pray they are proud of the decisions we are making.
5. What countries did you visit? none
6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011? patience
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Sending my youngest to school for the first time and just my children in general! I love watching them learn and grow, they amaze me everyday!
9. What was your biggest failure? No failures to report but there were some situations I could have handled better.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?No, thank God.
11. What was the best thing you bought? My Iphone!! lol
12. Where did most of your money go? BILLS!!
13. What did you get really excited about? My kids birthdays, Christmas, weekends at the lake, and beach trips, oh and Twilight!!
14. What song will always remind you of 2010? It Will Rain by Bruno Mars
15. Compared to this time last year, are you: – happier or sadder? thinner or fatter? richer or poorer? Sadder, fatter,a little bit richer! haha
16. What do you wish you’d done more of? exercise
17. What do you wish you’d done less of? crying:(
18. How did you spend Christmas? Christmas was totally different for us this year as we just wanted to get away. We spent it in The mountains in a cabin! It was perfect.
19. What was your favorite TV program? Last man Standing, Up All Night,
20. What were your favorite books of the year? Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking dawn, The Help
21. What was your favorite music from this year? bruno mars, Adele, Christina Perri,
22. What were your favorite films of the year? Breaking Dawn, The help, Authur Christmas
23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Ummm i think we had a dinner at my house but i can't remember! I turned 28
24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? not to have lost loved ones
25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011? The same as the year before! I need new clothes terribly! or a stylist!
26. What kept you sane? my husband, my momma, my daddy, and my children
27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011? I learned that you really don't know someone till there's a death. I learned that family is the most important thing in life, I learned that friendship is not measured by who does what for who and when but by being able to sit in silence and know you are loved. I learned that my husband is truly the greatest and that I should give him more credit, i learned that those who feel the need to post how perfect there life is on Facebook every hour of the day really are trying to convince themselves instead of the world, I learned that you can completely uproot your life and turn it upside down and still be OK. I learned that no matter how bad things feel like they get, there is someone in the world with bigger problems and that by just giving them to God it will all work out in the end!
Looking back at 2011
1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before? This is a hard one because I don't think I did anything out of the ordinary. Oh i did work for the post office for a few months! Lets just say that there was not a mailbox that my side view mirror did not come in contact with! haha
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I am pretty sure my New Years resolution was to lose weight and so the answer to that would be a big FAT NO!! UGH!! I have ZERO will power!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Why yes they did my sister gave birth to my 3rd nephew Paxton!! He is such a doll baby!
4. Did anyone close to you die? YES, last year was the worst year by far in our families for death. The two deaths that have impacted our family the greastest was the death of my grandmother in August unexpectedly and then the loss of my grandfather in law 2 weeks later. These 2 deaths have turned our world upside down and we miss them greatly. We do take comfort in know they are safe in the arms of Jesus and look down on us everyday. i just pray they are proud of the decisions we are making.
5. What countries did you visit? none
6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011? patience
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Sending my youngest to school for the first time and just my children in general! I love watching them learn and grow, they amaze me everyday!
9. What was your biggest failure? No failures to report but there were some situations I could have handled better.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?No, thank God.
11. What was the best thing you bought? My Iphone!! lol
12. Where did most of your money go? BILLS!!
13. What did you get really excited about? My kids birthdays, Christmas, weekends at the lake, and beach trips, oh and Twilight!!
14. What song will always remind you of 2010? It Will Rain by Bruno Mars
15. Compared to this time last year, are you: – happier or sadder? thinner or fatter? richer or poorer? Sadder, fatter,a little bit richer! haha
16. What do you wish you’d done more of? exercise
17. What do you wish you’d done less of? crying:(
18. How did you spend Christmas? Christmas was totally different for us this year as we just wanted to get away. We spent it in The mountains in a cabin! It was perfect.
19. What was your favorite TV program? Last man Standing, Up All Night,
20. What were your favorite books of the year? Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking dawn, The Help
21. What was your favorite music from this year? bruno mars, Adele, Christina Perri,
22. What were your favorite films of the year? Breaking Dawn, The help, Authur Christmas
23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Ummm i think we had a dinner at my house but i can't remember! I turned 28
24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? not to have lost loved ones
25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011? The same as the year before! I need new clothes terribly! or a stylist!
26. What kept you sane? my husband, my momma, my daddy, and my children
27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011? I learned that you really don't know someone till there's a death. I learned that family is the most important thing in life, I learned that friendship is not measured by who does what for who and when but by being able to sit in silence and know you are loved. I learned that my husband is truly the greatest and that I should give him more credit, i learned that those who feel the need to post how perfect there life is on Facebook every hour of the day really are trying to convince themselves instead of the world, I learned that you can completely uproot your life and turn it upside down and still be OK. I learned that no matter how bad things feel like they get, there is someone in the world with bigger problems and that by just giving them to God it will all work out in the end!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Back to School!
Yearly Bookbag shot |
Little princess starting 3k!! |
The look that sent me over the edge! |
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
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Happy 7th Birthday!!! We love you! |
Where oh where does the time go?? It seems like yesterday you were in diapers and learning to walk! Now you are this smart, charming, good looking little boy who loves to hunt, fish, play baseball, and aggravate your sister! You have the best heart of anyone I know and always see the good in everything and everyone. You love to say your prayers every night and I know you have a direct line to God because you talk to him like a friend! I am so proud of your accomplishments and how well you are doing in school. There are many changes coming and I know you will adjust well. I thank God every day that he has lent you to me and has trusted me with your care and upbringing. I love you so much and wish you many more happy birthdays!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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